Wednesday, January 30, 2013

3 Stomach flu symptoms - What we eat?

Stomach flu - what we eat.

Gastroenteritis, also known as "stomach flu" is a condition that usually causes inflammation of the stomach and small intestine. Since it is viral, not bacterial, it can be treated with antibiotics.

Symptoms of stomach flu include nausea, watery diarrhea and vomiting. Overall, not a serious illness, and most people recover completely within a short time. Its duration is approximately 3-5 days.

Alleviation of stomach flu symptoms can be achieved by adhering to a diet. Who are they and what should be our behavior in the treatment of stomach flu?

Preventing dehydration:
Among the main objectives in the treatment of stomach flu is the restoration of fluid balance in the body. If vomiting is constant and prevents fluid retention, have to wait 2-4 hours before meals and drinks. Consuming small amounts of water and other fluids is essential to the state of the body in severe vomiting and diarrhea.

Which foods to target:
Usually suffering from stomach flu have no appetite. But after nausea and vomiting subside, can gradually powering a solid food that is easily absorbed by the body - crackers, biscuits, noodles, cheese.

If diarrhea is adequate consumption of toasted bread, rice, potatoes, apple juice or bananas.
Eat toast for stop diarrhea

Which foods to avoid:
There are certain foods that should be avoided in gastroenteritis because the products can irritate the stomach, while the body is trying to recover from the virus. These are spicy, sour and fibrous foods. Meat, dairy products, cereals and vegetables are not recommended.

Preventive measures against stomach viruses are regular hand washing, disinfecting and avoiding contact with infected.

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

0 All about stomach flu - Gastroenteritis. Part - 3

In this last part of the article "All about stomach flu - Gastroenteritis" will describe:

6 Mastering
6.1 Rehydration
6.2 Diet
6.3 Antiemetics
6.4 Antibiotics
6.5 antidiarrhoeals
7 Epidemiology

Mastering of stomach flu:

Gastroenteritis of stomach flu usually occurs as an acute self-limited disease that does not require the use of drugs. The preferred treatment for mild to moderate cases of dehydration is oral rehydration therapy (AC). Metoclopramide and / or ondansetron, however, can help some children abutilskopolamin helps abdominal pain.


The main treatment for stomach flu in both children and adults is rehydration. It is preferable to apply oral rehydration therapy, although you may need intravenous feeding, if there is a reduced level of consciousness, or if dehydration is severe. Products for oral replacement therapy containing complex carbohydrates (ie those that are made from wheat or rice) may be better than those made only from sugars. Drinks, especially high in simple sugars, such as soft drinks and fruit juices are not recommended for children under 5 years of age, as it may increase diarrhea. If no more specific and effective preparations for AC or existing chemicals are unacceptable taste, can be used plain water. Young children can use a nasogastric tube feed fluid if necessary.


Recommended infant feeding continues as usual, and formula feeding children who are bottle-fed should continue immediately after rehydration with AC. It is usually not necessary to give formulas without lactose-reduced or lactose. Children should continue their usual diet during episodes of diarrhea, however, should avoid foods high in simple sugars. No longer recommended diet BRAT (bananas, rice, applesauce, toast and tea), as it contains adequate nutrients and is more useful than the normal diet. Some probiotics appear to be useful in reducing both the duration of the disorder and the frequency of bowel movements. They may also be useful in the prevention and treatment of the use of antibiotic diarrhea. Fermented milk products (such as yogurt) are such useful features. Zinc supplementation is effective in the treatment and prevention of disease among children in developing countries.


Antiemetic medications (drugs to relieve urinary urgency nausea and vomiting) can help vomiting in children. Ondasetron provides some comfort as it once implementation is associated with reduced need for intravenous fluids, fewer hospital admissions and reduce vomiting. Metoclopramide may also help. However it is possible to use ondasetron is associated with an increased percentage of cases returned to the hospital for children. The intravenous form of ondasetron can be applied orally, but only at the discretion and recommendation of a medical professional. Dimenhidrinatat reduces vomiting but does not provide significant clinical benefit.


In gastroenteritis usually do not use antibiotics, although sometimes recommended if stomach flu symptoms are particularly severe or if it is isolated or suspected bacterial cause. If you need to apply antibiotics, macrolides (such as azithromycin) is preferable to a fluoroquinolone, as the proportion of fluoroquinolone resistance is higher. Pseudo-membrane colitis, which is usually caused by the use of antibiotics is addressed through immediate withdrawal of antibiotics, and treatment with metronidazole or vancomycin. The following types of bacteria and protozoa are treatable Shigella Salmonella Tiffy and giardiya. In cases giardiya or entameba histolitika be treated with tinidazole and it is better than treatment with metronidazole. World Health Organization (WHO) recommends the use of antibiotics in young children who have both bloody diarrhea and fever.


Antidiarrheal drug (diarrhea medicine) is a theoretical risk of complications and although clinical experience indicates that it is unlikely that these drugs are not recommended for people with bloody diarrhea or diarrhea complicated by fever. Loperamide, an opioid analogue commonly used for the treatment of diarrhea. Loperamide is not recommended for children, as it can pass through more immature blood-brain barrier and cause toxicity. Bismuth subsalitsilat, insoluble complex of trivalent bismuth and salicylate, can be used in mild to moderate cases, but it is theoretically possible risk of toxicity salitsilatna.


It is estimated that cases of gastroenteritis annually worldwide are three to five billion, mostly affected are children and those in developing countries. According to data from 2008 gastroenteritis resulting in about 1.3 million deaths in children under five years of age, with most cases in the poorest countries in the world. More than 450,000 of those deaths in children under 5 years of age due to rotavirus.Holerata accounts for about three to five million cases of disease and leads to death in approximately 100,000 people annually. In developing countries, children under two years of age often develop an annual six or more infections that lead to clinically significant gastroenteritis. It is not as common in adults partly because of the development of acquired immunity.
In 1980 gastroenteritis from any cause has led to 4.6 million deaths in children, and most cases occur in developing countries. Percentages of mortality, however, significantly decreased (to approximately 1.5 million deaths per year) to 2000, largely due to the introduction and widespread use of oral rehydration therapy. In the U.S., infections causing gastroenteritis is the second most common infection after the common cold), leading to between 200 and 375 million cases of acute diarrhea in approximately ten million deaths annually, 150 to 300 of those deaths were in children under five.

Related Articles:
All about stomach flu - Gastroenteritis. Part 1

All about stomach flu - Gastroenteritis. Part 2 

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

0 All about stomach flu - Gastroenteritis. Part 2

stomach flu

As promised, we continue with the theme "All of a stomach flu - Gastroenteritis." This article will describe:

3 Pathophysiology
4 Diagnosis
4.1 Dehydration
4.2 Differential diagnosis
5 Prevention
5.1 The environment
5.2 Vaccination

Stomach flu pathophysiology

Stomach flu symptoms was defined as of vomiting or diarrhea due to infection of the small intestine or colon. Changes in the small intestine are usually not inflammatory, and those in the colon are inflamed. Тхе number pathogens that are sufficient to be able to cause infection varies from one (for cryptosporidia) to 108 (zavibrio cholera).


Stomach flu is diagnosed clinically based on signs and symptoms of the patient. It is usually not necessary to determine the exact cause because it would not change the way of dealing with the disease. However, to do fecal testing of patients with blood in the stools of those who may have been exposed to food poisoning and those who have recently traveled to developing countries. Diagnostic tests may also be made to explore. Since approximately 10% of infants and young children receive hypoglycemia in this population is recommended measuring serum glucose. If there are serious concerns about dehydration, you should also do research for electrolytes and renal function.


An important part of the diagnostic evaluation is to determine whether a patient has dehydration and dehydration is usually defined as mild (3-5%), moderate (6-9%) and severe (≥ 10%). In children, the most accurate determination symptoms of moderate to severe dehydration are prolonged capillary filling, decreased skin turgor, and abnormal breathing. Other findings that may help in the diagnosis (when used in combination) are sinking eyeball, decreased activity, lack of tearing, and dry mouth. The normal volume of urine and oral fluid intake are good signs. Laboratory studies have greater clinical use to assess the degree of dehydration.

Differential diagnosis

Other possible causes signs and stomach flu symptoms resembling those of gastroenteritis that should be excluded are appendicitis, volvulus, inflammatory bowel disease, urinary tract infections and diabetes. You should also take into consideration pancreatic insufficiency syndrome, short small intestine, Whipple disease, tseliachna disease and laxative abuse. The differential stomach flu diagnosis may be difficult if the patient has symptoms only vomiting or diarrhea (but not both).
The incidence of appendicitis can occur with vomiting, abdominal pain and diarrhea in a small amount to 33% of cases. This is in contrast to the large amounts of diarrhea, which are typical of gastroenteritis. Lung infections or urinary tract infections in children can also cause vomiting or diarrhea. Classic case of diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA) is manifested with abdominal pain, nausea and vomiting, but no diarrhea. One study found that 17% of children with DKA, the condition is diagnosed as gastroenteritis.

Stomach flu Prevention


Reserves of easily accessible fresh water and good sanitation practices are essential to reduce the incidence of clinically significant infection and stomach flu. Taking personal precautions (eg hand washing) demonstrated decreased the incidence of gastroenteritis in both developing and developed countries to 30%. Alcohol-based gels preparations can be helpful. Breastfeeding and improving general hygiene are important factors, especially in areas with poor sanitation. Breast milk helps to reduce both the incidence of developing infections and their duration. Avoiding the consumption of contaminated food and water are also effective methods.

Flu Vaccination

Since rotavirus flu vaccine is as effective and safe, in 2009 the World Health Organisation has recommended it be offered to all children around the world. We are approved to distribute two brands of rotavirus vaccines, and several more are in development. In Africa and Asia, these flu vaccines have reduced severe cases of the disease in infants and in those countries that have established national immunization programs and the weight percentages of cases of the disease have declined. This vaccine can prevent disease and not vaccinated children, as it reduces the number of infected, which can spread the disease. From 200 onwards, the implementation of a vaccination program for rotavirus in the United States has significantly decreased the incidence of diarrhea by up to 80%. The first dose of vaccine should be given to infants aged between 6 and 15 weeks. Oral cholera vaccine has shown 50-60% efficacy over two years.

Be sure to read All about stomach flu - Gastroenteritis. Part 1

Sunday, January 20, 2013

3 The flu: Prevention, Treatment, Flu vaccine and Medical care

flu symptoms

The flu is caused by different but similar types of viruses. Flu epidemics of the disease occur mostly in the winter. The virus spreads rapidly, especially in places with lots of people, such as schools and offices. People in good general health is restored for several days without special treatment, others need advice.

The flu usually starts suddenly with chills, fever, muscle aches and sneezing. Soon it may hurt your throat, dry cough occurs, increased skin sensitivity, eye pain, malaise and headache. During this time probably will not feel hungry. The fever accompanying flu generally lasts about 3-5 days. After the decline of simptomit is normal to feel tired for several weeks.

flu prevention


Increase your resistance to infections if asked flu epidemic. Even ill, the disease will go easier.
Eat healthy
Everyday bother with aerobic exercise.

Take regular supplementation with multivitamins and minerals (including beta-carotene, vitamin C and E, flavonoids, selenium and zinc).

Aiming is not doing too much and stressed.

In flu epidemic avoid places where many people gather.

In winter drink echinacea as a tea, tincture or tablets 2-3 times a week and if you are in contact with the flu every day.

Let the garlic is an integral part of your diet - raw or tablets.

In winter every three weeks on one of prophylactic homeopathic remedies flu.


Cold or flu?
In both cases appear sore throat, cough and runny nose. Although flu is usually recognized by more severe symptoms, the only sure way to accurate diagnosis through laboratory analysis of secretions from the nose and throat. However such need arises often.

Flu requires careful treatment to avoid serious complications occur. Stay at home to prevent spread infection, and do not get out of bed to keep their forces to fight the flu virus. Be careful with medications that are available without a prescription because it can not outweigh the symptoms and premature to decide that you are healed. Do not go out from home at least one day after normalization of temperature.

Drink plenty of decaffeinated beverages: water, fruit juice, barley water and herbal teas. Taking a sip of tea blackcurrant relieves sore throats and provides additional vitamin C needed to fight infection.

Drink tea echinacea 3 times daily or 200 milligrams of add 5 times a day.

Tea elder flower, peppermint and yarrow reduce fever and relieve pain.

Extract of elderberries stops the multiplication of influenza viruses.

Tea tree oil reduces fever and relieves muscle pain. Add 2 drops of it to a tablespoon of jojoba oil. 4 times a day rub the mixture behind the ears, forehead, on both sides of the nose and chest. Take a warm (not hot) bath with added 6-8 drops of tea tree oil (not recommended during the first 20 weeks of pregnancy).

For stuffy nose inhales a few drops of tea tree oil or eucalyptus.

Aconite: if the temperature rises suddenly, especially due to the cold.

Eupatorium: if you feel that the pain seemed penetrates your bones.

Gelsemium: if the predominant symptoms are thrust into a shivering and shaking.

Oscilococcinum: strengthening means (assuming the first 36 hours of the onset of symptoms similar to flu symptoms).

flu vaccines

Need flu vaccine?

The flu vaccines reduces the duration of the disease and helps prevent complications. It is recommended that people with flu that can occur severe, for example:
• Persons aged 65 years.
• People with chronic heart, lung, liver or kidney disease, diabetes or sickle cell anemia.
• taking corticosteroids or immunosuppressive drugs.
• Persons with spleen removed.
• accommodated in nursing homes or hospitals. Influenza vaccination is recommended for staff.


• If no improvement occurs after a week or 3-4 days after the symptoms worsen.
• The illness lasts more than a month or recur.
• When you cough with yellow or green phlegm.
• If vaccination is highly recommended.

Immediately consult a doctor if:
• Feeling shortness of breath or chest pain.
• neck is stiff, you unbearable headache, disorientation, rash, pain in the joints or are offended by bright light.
• Separation bloody sputum.


Wednesday, January 16, 2013

0 All about stomach flu - Gastroenteritis. Part 1

stomach flu

In a series of articles will try to give complete information about gastroenteritis, commonly known as stomach flu.
  Due to the huge volume of information will divide the article into 3 parts.
I suggest you see what contained in all 3 articles.
1. Article 1:
      1. Symptoms and signs
      2.1 Viral
      2.2 Bacterial
      2.3 Parasite
      2.4 Transmission
      2.5 Non-infectious
2. Article 2:

     3 Pathophysiology
     4 Diagnosis
     4.1 Dehydration
     4.2 Differential diagnosis
     5 Prevention
     5.1 The environment
     5.2 Vaccination
3. Article 3:

     6 Mastering
     6.1 Rehydration
     6.2 Diet
     6.3 Antiemetics
     6.4 Antibiotics
     6.5 antidiarrhoeals
     7 Epidemiology

All about stomach flu - Gastroenteritis. Part 1

Gastroenteritis is a condition characterized by inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract, including the stomach ("gastro" -) and small intestine ("entero" -), leading to a combination of diarrhea, vomiting and abdominal pain and cramps. also called a tour, gastric stomach virus and bacteria. Although not related to the flu, often called the stomach flu and gastro flu.
Worldwide, most cases in children are caused by rotavirus. In adults, the virus and Campylobacter are common. Less common causes include other bacteria (or their toxins) and parasites. Transfer may occur due to consumption of improperly prepared foods or contaminated water or through close contact with people who are contagious.
The main way of coping is adequate hydration. In mild or moderate cases can usually be achieved by oral rehydration solution. In more severe cases may require intravenous fluids. Stomach flu mainly affects children and those in developing countries.

Stomach flu symptoms and signs

Gastroenteritis usually includes diarrhea and vomiting and in rare cases occurs in only one or the other. May occur and stomach cramps. Signs and symptoms usually begin 12-72 hours after infection with the infectious agent. If due to a viral agent, the condition usually improves within one week. Some viral agents may be associated with fever, fatigue, headache and muscle pain. If stools are bloody, unlikely to be caused by a virus, but is more likely due to the bacterium. Some bacterial infections may be associated with severe stomach pain and can last for several weeks.
Children infected with rotavirus usually recover completely in three to eight days. In poor countries, however, the treatment of acute infections is often inaccessible and persistent diarrhea is common. Dehydration is a common complication of diarrhea and child with a significant degree of dehydration can have prolonged capillary filling, decreased skin turgor, and abnormal breathing Repeated infections usually occur in areas with poor sanitation and malnutrition prevented growth and this can lead to long delays in cognitive processes.
Reactive arthritis occurs in 1% of people after infection kampilobakteriyni species and Guillain-Barré syndrome occurs in 0.1%. Haemolytic uraemic syndrome (HUS) can occur as a result of infection with Shiga toxin-producing types of E. coli and Shigella, which leads to decreased platelet count, poor kidney function and reduced number of red blood cells (due to their destruction). Children show a greater tendency to HUS than adults. Some viral infections can cause benign infantile seizures.

Stomach flu reason

Viruses (especially Rotavirus) and bacteria E. coli and Campylobacter are the main causes of gastroenteritis. There are, however, many other infectious agents that can cause this sindrom.V some cases there are non-infectious causes, but they are less likely than viral or bacterial. etiology. The risk of infection in children is higher due to the lack of immunity and relatively poor hygiene in them.


Viruses are known to cause stomach flu include rotavirus, norovirus, adenovirus and astrovirus. Rotavirus is the most common cause of stomach flu in children and has a similar frequency of occurrence in both developed and developing countries. Viruses cause about 70% of the episodes of infectious diarrhea in children. Rotavirus is a rare cause of adult acquired immunity due.
But rovirusat is the leading cause of gastroenteritis among adults in the United States, causing more than 90% of the outbreaks. These localized epidemics usually occur when groups of people spend a lot of time in physical proximity, such as cruise ships, hospitals or restaurants. People may still be contagious even after they no longer diarrhea. Norovirus is responsible for around 10% of cases in children.


In developed countries, campylobacter yeyuni is the main cause of bacterial gastroenteritis, half of the cases are linked to exposure to contact with birds. In children, the bacteria is responsible for around 15% of cases, the most common species are E. coli, Salmonella, Shigella and Campylobacter. If the bacteria gets food and remain at room temperature for several hours, the bacteria multiply and increase the risk of infection for those who consume the food. Some foods that are often associated with diseases include raw or poorly cooked meat, poultry, seafood and eggs, raw sprouts, not pasteurized milk and soft cheeses and fruit and vegetable juices. In developing countries, especially in Africa, sub-Saharan Africa and Asia, cholera is common cause of gastroenteritis. This infection is usually transmitted through contaminated water or food.
Toksigen Clostridium difitsile is an important cause of diarrhea, which occurs more often in adults. Young children may carry these bacteria without developing stomach flu symptoms. It is a common cause of diarrhea in people who are in hospital and is often associated with antibiotic use. Staphylococcus aureus infective diarrhea may also occur in people who have used antibiotics. "Travelers' diarrhea" is usually kind of bacterial gastroenteritis. Medicines that suppress acid seems significant increased risk of infection after exposure to certain organisms, including Clostridium species difitsile, salmonella and campylobacter. Greater risk exists for those taking proton pump inhibitors, H2 antagonists than.


Many protozoa can cause gastroenteritis - the most common giardiya flap - but kind entameba histolitika and cryptosporidia are also implied. As a group, these agents represent about 10% of cases in children. Giardiyata is more common in developing countries, but the etiological agent causing this type of disease in some degree almost everywhere. It occurs more often in people who have traveled in areas with high prevalence of the disease in children attending kindergarten, men who have sex with men, and after disasters.


The transmission can be done by consuming contaminated water or using the personal belongings of another person. In regions with alternating wet and dry seasons, water quality typically deteriorates during the wet season, which is associated with intense weather onset. In areas of the world with pronounced seasons, infections are more common in winter. Artificial infant feeding bottles sterilized with poor represent a significant cause of disease worldwide. The percentages of the cases reported also associated with poor hygiene, especially for children in overcrowded households, and people who suffer from malnutrition. Once you develop tolerance, adults can carry certain organisms without signs or symptoms, and thus act as natural reservoirs of infection. While some agents (such as Shigella) are found only in primates, etc. can be found among the various groups of animals (such as giardiyata).

Not infectious

There are not many infectious causes inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract. Some of the more common reasons include the use of drugs (NSAIDs), certain nutrients such as lactose (for people who are intolerant) and gluten (for people with tseliachna disease). Chrono disease can also not be an infectious source the (often difficult) gastroenteritis. The disease can occur also due to toxins. Some foodborne diseases that are associated with symptoms of nausea, vomiting and diarrhea include food poisoning by eating siguatera zarazena predatory fish skombroidoza associated with the consumption of certain types of rotting fish, tetrodotoxin poisoning by eating fugu fish and other botulism usually occurs by eating improperly canned foods.

Be sure to read All about stomach flu - Gastroenteritis. Part 2

Saturday, January 12, 2013

2 What is stomach flu?

Stomach flu or gastroenteritis is a gastrointestinal infection caused by viruses, bacteria or parasites. Gastroenteritis is a condition associated primarily with hygiene and sanitary conditions of living, eating and living.


The most characteristic stomach flu symptom is gastrointestinal upset, preceded by abdominal pain. Besides this characteristic disease symptoms can be expressed even in the presence of:

- Temperature

- Lack of appetite

- Nausea

- Vomiting

- Weight loss and dehydration

- Mucus or blood in the stool

 Typically, viral gastroenteritis lasts a few days and goes away by itself.
More serious, dangerous and persistent are bacterial and parasitic stomach flu, which are more common and known as "food poisoning" because the most common sources of infection are consumption of food and water.
Gastroenteritis is an acute infectious disease care why other people do not become infected by contact with the patient must be associated with maintaining good personal hygiene and sanitation.

Treatment of stomach flu:

Viral gastroenteritis usually do not need treatment because the body itself to deal with the problem for several days.
 The situation for bacterial gastroenteritis is a little different because disease-causing bacteria are pathogenic viruses and can cause more problems and complications. In addition, in people with weakened or compromised immune system bacteria can not be resolved in other parts of the body and even cause life-threatening infection known as "sepsis." Therefore, very often it is reasonable for a bacterial infection using an appropriate antibiotic to eliminate the risk of spreading the infection or expansion.

 Usually, the main focus is on symptomatic treatment, ie addressing and eliminating symptoms. Firstly it is anti-diarrheal medication means to limit or stop the disorder and drinking plenty of fluids to compensate for their loss due to diarrhea. For this purpose, suitable clear, salty soup because the body loses fluids also important sodium and potassium ions and their loss must be compensated. For the duration of the disorder should avoid carbonated drinks, milk and sweets because they enhance diarrhea.

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

0 Influenza and stomach flu - symptoms, prevention and protection

flu symptoms

The medical literature is described flu as Influenza. Influenza is a highly contagious acute respiratory infection that usually occurs in the winter, to be distinguished from gastric flu. Viral Gastric flu is an infection that attacks the stomach and small intestine The flu usually occurs in epidemics. Most affected by the flu are children, people with chronic diseases and immune-suppressed people, although usually flu affects people of all ages.
 Influenza is associated with many complications, such as pneumonia, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, myositis, myocarditis, Reye's syndrome, encephalitis and pericarditis.

Routes of infection
In influenza infection is through inhalation as contact with patien, I.e. when the patient coughs or sneezes. You do not need to be in the room when he could sneeze and cough. these drops fall on different objects and even food.
In gastric flu can zaraita for additions. because the patient's body fluids contain virus stomach flu. Once you have been in contact with the patient from the stomach flu, the virus sticks to you and after you swallow already infected and two or three days you will notice symptoms of gastric flu.

Flu symptoms and manifestation:
The main symptoms of influenza include weakness, muscle pain, fatigue, fever, headache and sneezing. In some cases exhibit stomach flu symptoms and colds. Usually symptoms of influenza pass easily and do not result in complications. However, if you notice these symptoms, contact your doctor immediately. Timely treatment of influenza prevents complications.
Stomach flu symptoms are associated with abdominal pain, indigestion, nausea  vomiting and diarrhea  Often people believe that these symptoms are typical of influenza, but is not. They occur rarely in it.

flu vaccine

Prevention and protection against influenza:

You can make flu vaccine. There are different flu vaccines. But they are not always 100 percent effective because the virus mutates the flu each year. People with low immunity should avoid places with many people during influenza epidemics. Acceptance of immune boosters also a good idea. Like influenza and in stomach flu, basic tips for prevention is enhanced hygiene and avoid places where there are crowds.

If you experience symptoms of the flu or stomach flu symptoms you should consult your doctor for advice. Stomach flu symptoms appear and for food poisoning and other serious health problems

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

0 The flu - symptoms, course of the disease, stomach flu symptoms.

The incubation period (the period between infection and onset of symptoms) is between 1-4 days.
The beginning of the flu is an acute and usually involves a lot of typical disease symptoms. The clinical picture unfolds quickly, in a matter of hours. Previously healthy man suddenly gets chills, accompanied by fever mostly in the range 38 to 40 ° C. In the other patients there was a slight fever. Simultaneously appears highlighted flu syndromes: patients dropped out, relaxed, tired, unable to perform their daily work and are intoxicated. They have headaches, aching eyeballs, neck, lower back, pain in your muscles and joints, the body is "rock". The signs of the flu are complemented by a lack of appetite and stomach flu symptoms such as nausea, vomiting and diarrhea (more common in children).

These intoxication symptoms are so characteristic that distinguish influenza infection from all other acute respiratory diseases.
Along with the above symptoms appeared and dry, irritating, nonproductive cough, which could be added to the pain behind the sternum from typical flu tracheitis. There are a sore throat, the nose is blocked.

The course is acute - most often the initial fever is not repeated, the temperature stays 3-4 days, intoxication too. The cough may last more than a week, and fatigue and fatigue - a few weeks, especially in patients prone to depression. Stomach flu symptoms also disappear after one or two days.

This summarizes does not exclude variations in flow depending on age, previous diseases, type of influenza virus specific conditions such as pregnancy, immune deficiency, etc.

In short, illness from flu, a person can have any of the following symptoms:

  • Chills and fever;
  • cough;
  • Sore throat;
  • fever;
  • Muscle pain;
  • headache;
  • fatigue;
  • Sometimes, stomach flu symptoms; such as nausea and vomiting - more common in children;

One of the three flu may have gastrointestinal problems during the disease, in most cases, not about basic flu symptoms. Nausea, vomiting and diarrhea is usually caused by other viruses and bacteria or food poisoning, but are not an required stomach flu symptoms.

In the next article we'll look at specific flu symptoms. We will try to give more information about each symptom. To explain what symptoms are required for clinical picture of influenza and who's not.

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